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Manual Handling

First Aid Executives offer the course option for both group and individual bookings. Our trainers are from experienced health and safety backgrounds – not just having a tick in a box and a teaching qualification. We ensure that whether this course is for you or your staff, we go that extra mile to cater ensure it is personalised to every client’s needs as every client is different.

The training I have received was second to none. Who would have thought Health and Safety could be so interesting!?

  • Trainers with professional competence in health & safety
  • Interactive training with copious amounts of resources
  • In-house or individual training options
  • First Aid Executives is not a booking agency – we deliver training
  • Protect the reputation of your company

Back problems account for over a third of all workers’ absence in the UK and 36% of injuries are caused by incorrect lifting technique. It is critical that your workplace does not suffer adverse effects in a monetary and reputation form. Ensuring that your staff can handle objects correctly is important when ensuring that your business complies with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations.