Being certified as a First Responder involves more comprehensive certification than a basic First Aider. First Aid Response are trained to provide advance care and support for a wider range of medical emergencies and performing more advanced medical interventions. Build your competence in assessing and managing complex medical situations, such as Cardiac Emergencies, trauma incidents and respiratory Distress. First Aid Response course helps to initiate treatment and stabilise patients until advance medical team arrive.
The training given was priceless
This course provides intermediate skills for the management of a broad range of common emergencies, ranging from:
We use scenarios and simulations to give more reality to the practical elements of the course. When obtaining work in the close protection medical skills are vital.
After Completion the initial certification, participants have the opportunity to enhance their skills through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) FREC 3 course for additional two days, with a supplementary course is £295.